Shakespeare: His Work’s Role in Programs -both Charlotte Mason & A Mind in the Light
William Shakespeare, also known as “Bard of Avon”, is so well known to us that we often refer to him by his last name only. Adding new...
Thoughts for "Early Lessons in English Grammar"
As I republish articles of interest from The Parents' Review, which can be found at Internet Archive, I will also post my thoughts about...
Pre-Reading: Is This Necessary?
What is pre-reading? In a Charlotte Mason education, each student’s academic year leans heavily on reading and narrating living books. To...
The Early Years -Balance & Respect
Part II Note: This article is Part II of a series. Part I introduced suggestions for how to create an Early School environment for...
The Early Years -Playroom
Part I Note: This article is Part I of a series. Part II is coming soon! The follow-up article will include ideas for helping parents...
Progymnasmata, Writing and Charlotte Mason
Introduction As teachers and families prepare for a new school year, they have many questions and concerns. Here is the first of several...